Helping defray the costs of treatment for cancer victims

About Us

Surrounded by her daughters Anne (left) and Amy Lou (right)

Surrounded by her daughters Anne (left) and Amy Lou (right)


Our History

The Foundation was started in 1981 By Helen Murray, a prominent civic leader in Tacoma, Washington…

She was motivated by the distress of cancer victims who were too impoverished to take care of their own medical expenses, and who in many cases, had limited or no access to traditional medical insurance or government assistance. 

A cancer victim without private medical insurance herself, Helen was struck by the notion that cancer was agnostic to one’s ability to pay for the increasing costs of treatment.  Compassion for those she witnessed during her own doctor’s visits solidified her determination to make a difference.  At her passing, the Helen B. Murray Oncology Foundation was established.

It was through the work of Helen’s granddaughter, Lowell Butson, the Foundation flourished and Helen’s mission was carried out.  Since inception, 350+ patients and their families have benefited from the Foundation’s efforts.

Today, Helen’s extended family carries on her legacy, with four of her descendants currently serving on the Foundation’s board of trustees. Additionally, the Murray Family through it’s L.T. Murray Family Foundation and individual family members, provides generous financial support to the Foundation on an ongoing basis.


Our Leadership

Todd Butson (Great-Grandson of Helen B. Murray) – President

Laurie M. Murray (Granddaughter in-law of Helen B. Murray)

Gary Coover (Great-Grandson of Helen B. Murray)

Helen ‘Bailey’ Murray (Great Granddaughter of Helen B. Murray)

Betty Sable – Treasurer